Tulsa Adventist Fellowship Church
Day 17

Devotionals On The Book of John

Welcome to Day 17. As you are beginning your new week remember, we enter this new week in the abundance of the rest He gives us. So whatever challenges you may be facing this week, God will supply you with exactly what you need. So open your hearts to His voice in the next 10-15 minutes. Here are some helpful tips to best utilize your time.

  1. Choose an ordinary place to become a sacred-ordinary holy ground. This could be your favorite chair, the back porch steps, or a coffee shop.
  2. Set aside anything that could distract you for the next 10-15 minutes. If you are using your phone or laptop for these devotionals put it on due not disturb. If you are using a printout, set aside your phone or smartwatch. This time is intentionally meant to be with The King.
  3. I suggest picking up a journal so that you can jot down some ideas that stick out to you from your time with Jesus. As you continue to meditate on it throughout your day, write it down.
  4. Pick a consistent time. For you, it may be the final moments in your day, early in the morning before anyone wakes up, or your daily office lunch break. When doesn’t matter as much as being consistent.

I pray that during this time of meditation, reflection, and prayer God will reveal himself to us so we can draw near to him. Shall we begin?

August 20 John 5:9-18

    1. Let’s Begin with Prayer. Pick a posture whether kneeling, sitting, or sitting up straight with the palms of your hands facing upward.
      1. In this season of prayer, play a song that you can sing that reminds you of His presence. This is the song that I have been playing all week if you like to join me. “I Trust In God” by Elevation Worship.
      2. Read John 5:9-18 Write some of your thoughts down. Here are some questions to consider to help navigate your time studying scripture.
        1. Where did I feel resistance? Where did I feel delight? What portion of scripture did I experience God’s nearness?

    Some Thoughts I Like To Share,

    The fact that Jesus tells him to pick up his mat and walk is profound to me. Even though knowing it is on Sabbath and it will cause a disturbance amongst those in the leadership of Israel. Jesus is more concerned about following the will of His Father rather than pleasing others. Even though it will cause more issues down the road, (specifically the cross) He will not give in. He is also helping others relearn what Sabbath is truly about. While others care about what people are doing on the Sabbath, Jesus is concerned about those who are suffering on the Sabbath! Man, I love Jesus. The last thing with this, Jesus doesn’t even seek recognition for what He did. The man leaves whole and healed and not even knowing the name of the man who did it. This really speaks to me about what ministry is really all about. It is about the well-being of a person not about getting recognized for the good deed that I did.

    When God is working, so is Jesus. This story reminds me of Psalms 121 where God does not sleep nor slumber. His eye is always on the lookout for his children. And it is his delight to bring both a physical rest and a spiritual one to his children. You are seen, heard, and loved always.

  1. One last thing to consider. This mans condition had to do with his sinful life. There are instances where sin is the reason why certain things have happened to us. But also later on in the Gospel, Jesus also states that the mans blindness had nothing to do with his sin. So we must become wise and discern between the two. Asking for the Spirit to reveal what is going on in each situation.

Michael Calvert

Michael Calvert's memorial service will be streamed on Friday 9/20/24 starting at 10:15 am. Click the button below to go straight to the stream.