Devotionals On The Book of John
Welcome to Day 26. Today as we start off let me share with you a testimony from our sister Diana. She says, “I want to share some good news with you guys. After one month and a half of waiting for a company to make me a job offer by the grace of God, He granted me a new job where I can work from home. This is a testimony of how wonderful God works when we abide by Him and reach Him. Thank you for suggesting the 30-day fasting period.” Thank you Diana for your testimony and if anyone else has something they would like to share send it in! So we may be blessed.
Find your place and welcome Him with me as we spend the next 10-15 minutes in prayer and study.
Choose an ordinary place to become a sacred-ordinary holy ground. This could be your favorite chair, the back porch steps, or a coffee shop.
- Set aside anything that could distract you for the next 10-15 minutes. If you are using your phone or laptop for these devotionals put it on do not disturb. If you are using a printout, set aside your phone or smartwatch. This time is intentionally meant to be with The King.
- I suggest picking up a journal so that you can jot down some ideas that stick out to you from your time with Jesus. As you continue to meditate on it throughout your day, write it down.
- Pick a consistent time. For you, it may be the final moments in your day, early in the morning before anyone wakes up, or your daily office lunch break. When doesn’t matter as much as being consistent.
I pray that during this time of meditation, reflection, and prayer God will reveal himself to us so we can draw near to him. Shall we begin?
August 29 John 6:60-71
Let’s Begin with Prayer. Pick a posture whether kneeling, sitting, or sitting up straight with the palms of your hands facing upward.
- In this season of prayer, pray for your church. Maybe you aren’t a member of ours but pray for yours. Pray for the pastor, members, leaders, and those God is going to bring to receive the Simple Gospel. Currently, I am praying that God will break any strongholds that stand in opposition to His kingdom.
- Read John 6:60-71 Write some of your thoughts down. Here are some questions to consider to help navigate your time studying scripture.
- Where did I feel resistance? Where did I feel delight? What portion of scripture did I experience God’s nearness?
Some Thoughts I Like To Share,
Before I begin let me share with you what Angel thought of regarding the questions. She has been participating in the 30-day challenge with us from Oklahoma City! She says, “I was really hoping that you’d answer the question, but it doesn’t surprise me that you left it for us to figure out. I think Jesus knew that they needed to either take Christianity or choose to leave Christianity at this point. He had already shown them all the miracles, from the bread and fish for thousands of people to the idea of walking on water (defying physics) so now it seems like this is a moment where He wants them to make a more cemented decision, especially since some of them had known him since he was young. He wants them to understand that a relationship with him doesn’t have to be complicated. It will be a matter of being willing to commit to him. After laying it all out, A LOT of those people ended up choosing the more complex and ‘glamorous’ lifestyle that the world had to offer.” I love her thoughts. Let’s continue with our scripture today.
I want to draw you back to the first Exodus. Imagine for a moment you saw what they saw, you experienced what they experienced, and you felt what they felt. After all of that…they still found a way to grumble and live out their unbelief. Even as Manna would fall from the sky day after day,(even in the midst of the disobedience! Man that is a sermon right there) they still found a way to complain, covet, and not believe. Just like Angel shared, God has been revealing His son to the world. He has given the Jews the manna that they have been longing for! Even while the Word is in their midst…some still don’t receive him.
It is so easy to criticize these people in the Bible from both the first and second exodus. But the book of John is still relevant for us today! Has not God shown us enough? Has He not parted the sea, provided, and broken chains! But even in our unbelief, I want to assure you something. THE MANNA WILL KEEP ON FALLING. Mercy is still available so come and believe.