Tulsa Adventist Fellowship Church

General Policy

This general policy governs the release of benevolence funds to those requesting support or help. This policy is a guide, and the Pastoral Team may decide to do something outside of this policy, if after prayer and thought, they decide that a situation warrants extra support.
For those not connected to Adventist Fellowship

  •  Must Schedule an appointment with a Pastor or Elder.
    • Appointments are on Wednesday from 2:00-3:00pm
    • They are 15 min slots
    • There are only 4 slots available each week and are first come first serve.
  • Payment or support will be given directly to the creditor. No money will be given directly to the individual.
  • Maximum Gift is $50
  • Adventist Fellowship may help once every 6 months with  a maximum of two times ever per family.

For Members of Adventist Fellowship

  • Must schedule an appointment with a staff member.
    • Appointments are on Wednesday from 2:00-3:00pm
    • They are 15 min slots.
  • Payments or support will be given directly to the creditor. No money will be given directly to the individual.

Help will be determined by the following formulas:
Attending Members in regular and good standing:

  • Must attend Services
  • Maximum assistance in a given period is $100
  • Adventist Fellowship may help once every 6-months with a maximum of two times ever per family.

Volunteers of AF:

  • Must attend services.
  • Maximum assistance in a given period is $200
  • Adventist Fellowship may help once every 6 months with a maximum of two times ever per family.


  • Must attend Adventist Fellowship
  • Financial assistance may not exceed half their tithe for a given year.
  • Maximum assistance in a given period is $500.
  • Adventist Fellowship may help once every 6-months with a maximum of two times ever per family.

This form can be printed or filled out in person here at Adventist Fellowship.

Michael Calvert

Michael Calvert's memorial service will be streamed on Friday 9/20/24 starting at 10:15 am. Click the button below to go straight to the stream.